Friday, February 5, 2010

A quick update

OK, I’m not saying you generally care what I’ve been up to, but I wanted to make a quick post on my weight loss efforts.

Back on May 28, 2009, I started a weight loss plan based pretty simply on eating less and moving more. No magic supplements or other miracle cures.
As I recall, it started with me deciding one day when I got to work to park further away and to use the stairs. From there I considered using Alli (unfortunately, I didn’t get scared off until AFTER I’d bought it for like 50 bucks!), but was put off by the potential side effects. But I did start tracking my food in a little booklet. At first, my target was 1500 calories, then 1200, and even 900-1000 at some points.
When I started, I weighed 245 lbs. My progress went basically like this:

Date Weight
7/21/09 217
8/31/09 210
9/30/09 200
10/30/09 190
1/8/10 180
2/3/10 175

You will notice that late last year, I did slow down a bit, but I held my ground through the holidays and other events that made it difficult to stay on track – plus it is cold and rainy in the winter and a little harder to get out and run and stay active.

So here I am at 175 pounds. This is my lowest weight since about 1992, which is pretty cool, although I don’t like it when people come up to me and say stuff about it. Yes, I know that’s weird.
OK, enough about that.

Even more exciting, I’m now a mere 5 weeks from completing my Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology. I’m currently taking 3 classes: Data Structures and Algorithms, IT Project Management, and a BS/IT capstone course. This is quite a load, but it is down from the 4 classes (!!!) I took last term.
I was just contemplating what I will do with all my extra time after I graduate today. First thought in my head was - “Hey! I can finally play some video games!!!” So I’m looking forward to that!